Oromia Culture and Tourism Bureau
Oromia Culture and Tourism Bureau is a government institution of Oromia regional state responsible for researching, preserving, developing, and promoting the culture and tourist attractions of Oromia and its people. In doing so the bureau closely works together with different stakeholders.
Mission of the Bureau:
Ensuring the region’s contribution to the country’s prosperity through research, development and promotion of culture and tourism resources.
Vision of the Bureau:
Making Oromia preferred tourist destination and hub of cultural experiences by 2030
Values of the Bureau:
- Observance of cultural value
- Good work culture
- Industriousness
- Quality service
- Hospitality
- Accountability
- Transparency
- Participatory
The Bureau has one subordinate body, The Oromo Cultural Center which was established in 2007 E.C.
As Oromia is endowed with cultural and natural tourist attractions, including one World intangible cultural Heritage, The bureau publicizes the region's resources of tourist attractions and encourages the development of tourist facilities. but the Oromia Culture and Tourism bureau still struggles to attract tourists owing to under developed infrastructure and does not have any cohesive tourism development or promotion strategy. As a result most tourists pass over to neighboring regions and countries.