Arsi Zone is dominated by highland plateaus which covers an area of 23,060 square kilometers. Among the major peaks of the zone are Mountain chains of Kaka, Chilalo, Arbagugu and Aluto. The Arsi highlands extend from the heights of the Arsi massifs in the south-east to the escarpment edge of the Rift Valley depression in the north-west. The Arsi plateaus are favored with high rainfall, water catchments and cool weather, as well as fertile soil to which the Arsi’s intensive agricultural cultivations are attributed.

The mountains are covered by natural vegetation that shelter precious mammals and birds. The scenic beauty make the plateau a significant tourist destination for trekking, sightseeing, and safari hunting. Having controlled hunting areas, Arsi is contributing a big share in wildlife resource utilization in Oromia.

Five of the Oromia's designated controlled hunting areas are found in Arsi. These are Arbagugu, Kaka, Galama-Boroluku, Munessa-Kuke and Aluto. Some of the major game animals in these areas are Mountain Nyala, Klipspringer and Menilik’s Bushbuck. Asela, the capital of the Arsi Zone, is situated at the distance of 175 kilometers from Finfinne. Accessing   hunting blocks from Asalla, however, require four-wheel drive cars on dry weather road, and/or horseback riding.

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